Presentation of the ME94
The House of Europe of Val-de-Marne is an Association governed by the 1901 law with the main missions of promoting European citizenship, popularizing economic and social opportunities for individuals, as well as for associations, local authorities, and businesses in the department.
The ME94 is a European public space that aims to offer Val-de-Marne residents of all ages and nationalities the opportunity to experience Europe on a daily basis. It serves as a meeting point for those who feel the need to discuss European projects and issues without necessarily being specialists or convinced advocates. It is also a public venue offering personalized information services through its Europe Direct Information Center.
Our House of Europe is not only for young people; it aims to serve as a bridge between European institutions and citizens. It helps decipher complex mechanisms, stay informed, and engage in informed debates and decisions on current European issues. This is a work of popular education; through our activities targeting diverse audiences (training sessions, school interventions, conferences, information on mobility programs...), our House enables citizens to become aware of the European dimension of citizenship, deepen it, and activate it.
We hope to welcome you soon to the House of Europe of Val-de-Marne to share with you our passion for Europe and to introduce you to our activities and events.

In a word,
The main mission of the House of Europe of Val de Marne is to support, implement, and encourage initiatives around projects that promote understanding of the role of European institutions and raise awareness of the impact of their actions on our daily lives and our future.
As an animator,
The House of Europe of Val de Marne stimulates reflections on the Europe of citizens, on the gap between European institutions and citizens, and on ways to remedy this situation. In collaboration with the federation of Houses of Europe and the Houses of Europe in other departments, the House of Europe of Val de Marne seeks to promote effective methods to inform and explain to the general public the main European issues. And this, with a concern for great objectivity and respect for the pluralism of opinions.
Like an ambassador,
The House of Europe of Val de Marne contributes to developing contacts with similar structures in other European countries, especially with the EUNET network, which brings together all the Houses of Europe at the European Union level.
Like a pathway to the international scene,
Furthermore, it promotes the mobility of citizens, especially young people, and encourages exchanges between the 27 countries of the Union and even between the countries of Greater Europe, those of the Council of Europe (currently 47 countries).
Our Missions
Like a contributor,
The House of Europe of Val de Marne aims to contribute to the establishment of European citizenship. It explains the European idea as an economic, social, political, and cultural object, reflects on the common features that shape the face of the European Union, articulating national identities with the European identity, and informs and educates citizens about European institutions, policies, programs, and issues. The House of Europe works to reduce the distance between citizens' concerns and the issues debated at the European level.
Like a meeting point,
It serves as a meeting point for all those who feel the need to debate European projects and issues without necessarily being specialists or advocates. It is also a public space offering personalized information services through its Europe Direct Information Center.
As a developer of European citizenship,
The House of Europe is open to everyone, of all ages, nationalities, including non-EU foreigners in its perspective. Working for an active and inclusive European citizenship, the House of Europe particularly explores the cultural dimension of the European project, the representation of borders, democratic and participatory issues, educational, economic, and social aspects of Europe.

Our team is made up of experienced professionals in the fields of education, communication, culture, and European affairs. Each member brings their skills and expertise to successfully carry out the various activities and projects of the Maison de l'Europe 94.
Founder / President
Founder / Director
Homayoun NIKNAM
Communication Coordinator

Mobility Coordinator
Educational Coordinator at OFAJ
To achieve the goals of the association, the Maison de l'Europe du Val de Marne relies on:
A Board of Directors composed of 16 administrators.
An Executive Board elected by this Board of Directors, which ensures the implementation of its decisions.
Our Executive Board meets every 3 months to review ongoing activities and define the next steps to be taken.
Our team of staff and volunteers ensures the follow-up of our projects within our Association.

Catherine MICHEL
Events Coordinator

Training Coordinator
22, rue Louise Chenu, 94470, Boissy-Saint-Léger
+33(1) 89 48 04 94