European Funding
The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)

European funding refers to funds allocated by the European Union (EU) to support projects and initiatives in various fields. These funds aim to promote economic growth, employment, research and innovation, social and territorial cohesion, environmental protection, culture, education, health, etc.
Thanks to European support, entrepreneurs, researchers, associations, and farmers are actively engaged in making Europe and their region more equitable and innovative, thereby contributing to smart and sustainable territorial growth.
The European Social Fund (ESF)
The European Social Fund (ESF) aims to promote employment, social inclusion, and vocational training. It supports projects aimed at improving the skills of workers, promoting the professional integration of young people and disadvantaged individuals, etc.
Youth Employment Initiative (YEI)
The Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) is specifically aimed at unemployed young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). It provides funding for apprenticeships, internships, and support programs for job searching in European regions where the youth unemployment rate exceeds 25%.

2021-2027 programming period
The main European funding under the 2021-2027 program of the European Union includes the following
The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to reduce economic and social disparities between regions of the EU. It supports investment projects in areas such as innovation, research, infrastructure, environment, etc
The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
The "AMIF" contributes to the effective management of migration flows as well as the strengthening and development of the common policy on asylum, subsidiary protection, and the common immigration policy, in full respect of the rights and principles enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
The "FEADER" stands for the "European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development." It supports rural development, sustainable agriculture, economic diversification of rural areas, etc.
Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
"Horizon Europe" supports scientific and technological research, innovation, international cooperation, etc.
The European Fund for Just Transition
The Just Transition Fund (JTF), a new fund under the 2021-2027 programming period, supports the energy and industrial transition of regions affected by high CO2 emissions towards a carbon-neutral economy, in line with the European Union's goals under the Paris Agreement.
EuRopean Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students
"Erasmus+" supports the mobility of students, teachers, and young professionals, cooperation between higher education institutions, vocational training, etc."
To benefit from these funds, projects must meet certain conditions and eligibility criteria defined by the EU. Funding applications are typically submitted through calls for proposals and evaluated by independent experts.
22, rue Louise Chenu, 94470, Boissy-Saint-Léger
+33(1) 89 48 04 94