The International Solidarity Volunteering (VSI) is open to adults, whether they are single or in a relationship, without any age or nationality conditions. However, it is important to note that an international solidarity volunteer cannot carry out a mission in their country of nationality or regular residence.
VSI missions take place outside the European Economic Area (EEA). A contract of a minimum duration of one year, renewable, is signed and entitles you to compensation.

Mobility Outside
The Working Holiday Visa (PVT) is a solution that allows young people aged 18 to 30 to travel and work legally in a foreign country for a specified period of time. This program offers a unique opportunity to improve language skills, acquire professional skills, and experience total immersion and enrichment abroad.
It is open to the following destinations:
Australia, Brazil, Canada, New Zealand, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay, Peru, Japan...
The International Volunteering of the Francophonie (VIF) is a program that offers young French speakers the opportunity to engage in international solidarity missions within the Francophonie. This program is managed by the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF) and aims to promote the French language, cultural diversity, and sustainable development.
Missions usually last 6 to 24 months, and volunteers receive a monthly allowance, medical coverage, and logistical support.

The Franco-Quebecois Youth Office (OFQJ) is an organization that promotes exchanges and mobility among young people between France and Quebec. It offers programs and services to support the training, internship, employment, entrepreneurship, and volunteer projects of young people.
OFQJ notably offers mobility grants to enable young people to carry out exchange and discovery projects in various fields such as professional, cultural, artistic, sports, scientific, etc. These grants can cover some of the travel, accommodation, and subsistence expenses.
In addition to grants, OFQJ organizes events, meetings, and training sessions to foster exchanges between French and Quebecois youth. It also facilitates access to professional networks and provides support services to help young people realize their projects.


The International Civic Service aims to provide young people aged 18 to 25, without any qualifications or diplomas, access to international mobility. This youth program allows young people from all backgrounds to participate in a humanitarian Civic Service mission for an NGO or local authority in a developing country, fulfilling a mission of general interest in one of the nine priority intervention areas recognized by the Nation:
Solidarity, Education for All, Culture and Leisure, Sport, Environment, Memory and Citizenship, Health, International Development and Humanitarian Aid, Emergency Intervention in Crisis Situations. Missions last a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 1 year and take place on one of the following continents: Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe.
Participants receive a minimum monthly allowance of €580.62, and social protection is covered by the State. An additional grant of €107.68 is also provided for young people whose household receives RSA benefits.
It is possible to find a mission abroad! The Maison de l'Europe du Val de Marne can also assist you in your applications and in finding a structure and a program.
22, rue Louise Chenu, 94470, Boissy-Saint-Léger
+33(1) 89 48 04 94