To join the House of Europe 94
Would you like to join and/or support our association?
It's possible! For 2024-2025, the Maison de l'Europe du Val de Marne is opening its membership campaign for this new season.
Membership in the MEVDM allows you to:
- Receive our newsletter and access our news in advance
- Attend events
- Enroll in language courses
- Volunteer for our various activities and events
- Simply support us through your membership
How do I join?
The Hous of Europe of Val de Marne offers several ways to join its association
In person by meeting us at one of our events
Virtually by going through the HelloAsso website to access the platform
By check by sending us your membership form and payment to the association's address: 22, rue Louise Chenu, 94470, Boissy-Saint-Léger
By bank transfer by sending us the membership form via email to the following address:
Europe is made with you

22, rue Louise Chenu, 94470, Boissy-Saint-Léger
+33(1) 89 48 04 94